Bullying is defined by dictionary.reference.com/ as a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. This is mainly scene inside schools from elementary all the way to college. This is such a terrible thing that needs to be stopped. The article that I read from www.GLSEN.org stated that students who are being bullied tend to miss classes or do not get involved in class because they feel like they are in a uncomfortable environment. Now bullying is not only physical abuse but it can also be verbal, either way both forms of bullying can be as equally painful.
Just a couple days ago I was watching the Today show and saw a poor kid named Jamie who committed suicide after being bullied for so long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7ftikqwrA8 I wanted to post the video mainly to show how terrible bullying is and how unbelievable kids continue to be. I just don't understand why kids find it fun to be so mean to each other.
Another example I wanted to share happened in my own high school. A group of kids thought it would be funny to make a facebook group that hated this one girl, and one day they told everyone to wear a white t-shirt to school to show how much they hated her. The girl ended up going home crying and only the kid that made the group got suspended. Personally I believe that every kid that was in white should have been suspended and the kid that created the group should have been expelled. Kids need to be strongly disciplined if they are bullying someone else.
One thing the article pointed out that I thought was very important was that teachers need to make a better job in showing that if bullying is going on it will not be tolerated and they will take action. Also they need to express that if someone is being bullied they can come and talk to the teacher. This is very important mainly because bullying needs to stop! Parents need to also talk to their kids and let them know bullying is wrong and if they know someone or if they are being bullied to tell an adult so the bullying can stop before it gets worse.
That video is so sad, it's horrible that bullying took Jamies life. It's sickening however that the students felt no remorse for what they contributed to.